Pilates is based on the body control and training method, created by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, born on 09.12.1883 in Germany and died on 09.10.1967 in New York, with the goal to develop, increase and maintain strength, mobility and well-being. The effectiveness of the method is based on six principles: Concentration, use of the Center of the Body, Control, Precision, flow of Movement and controlled Breathing.
Pilates lessons are often guided by a standardly trained physiotherapist, which can be compared to regular basic pilates training. The guidance by a Pilates Instructor is a different level of professionalism and is unique.
I, Oona Nikkanen, am a trained physiotherapist with several years of experience and I have completed the training to become a qualified Pilates Instructor. On this base I can guarantee an individually evaluated training program under precise personal guidance.
The facilities at Clinica SANDALF give also space to treatment options like physiotherapy, massage therapy, lymph drainage and osteopathy.
If you would like to make an appointment with our Pilates Instructor Oona Nikkanen please click here.
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